Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La Verne, historically

Thanks to Galen Beery, the kindly historian of La Verne, some 20 trekkers enjoyed a cheerful tour accompanied by wonderful tales of storied houses all decked out for the holidays.

Galen knows the history of just about every building in old town La Verne, the tall tales that have come down and more than a few secrets (that he
shared with us...if you want to know, check out his next tour!)

We started at the corner of 3rd and D Streets, wandered toward the University of La Verne and then crisscrossed the area from 5th Street to 3rd,
Kuns Park to E Street and beyond.

Holiday decorations brightened the day. Among many others, we saw the Bauman House, the Cosmic Ray House, the Hanawalt House, the Kuns House. We saw beautiful restorations, beautiful trees and flowers and even what happens when renovations take an auwkard turn!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Trekking Along Venice Beach

The intrepid hikers headed out to the Venice Beachwalk to see what they could find.

They found dirt and drugs...

Strange dreams and alien life forms...

They saw and they were seen...

but they still managed to make friends with the denizens of the boardwalk.
